“It’s less about the task and more about the way that serving draws us closer to Christ.”
The Coffee Fellowship Ministry Team is looking for those wonderful helping hands willing to fill in when a team member has an EMERGENCY or needs a friend to SUBSTITUTE for them. We recently had two different situations when a family emergency prevented the set up team from coming to church to prepare the refreshments for Sunday morning coffee time. Occasionally these situations happen at the end of the morning at cleanup time.
Are you an “early morning person?” Set up starts between 7:15 to 7:30 and with two people everything is prepared and coffee is hot and ready for all to enjoy.
Are you a “late morning person”? Clean up from the morning starts at the end of the 11:15 worship service and with two people it takes about 45-60 minutes.
Guidelines on set up and clean up are always available in the kitchen and training by another coffee fellowship team member is provided. Please contact the church office, 317-784-9508 or email sherry@sumc.org to share your willingness to serve in an emergency situation or as a substitute. Thank you!
And He took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying “This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me.”.... He took the cup, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you. “ (Luke 22:19-20) It is a blessing to receive COMMUNION remembering all Jesus has done for us. We have the opportunity to bless others by offering and serving COMMUNION to them. Become a member of the Communion Ministry by serving the elements to others at your worship service. Information is available at the ministry table in the Gathering Place October 25 and 28 or you may contact the church office, 317 784-9508.