The Way Forward
Those words have become a battle cry in our denomination. A stress point, to say the least. We’re drawing up divisions and caucuses, determining who is with us and who is against us, who is in and who is out. I sometimes wonder if Jesus despairs over the church that bears His name. I know I do sometimes. And yet at the same time I rejoice that the church is looking toward the future. Trying to find a way forward.
In case you’re completely in the dark, “the way forward” is the official title of the process created as a result of the last General Conference to help us over the struggles over the issues of biblical authority and interpretation particularly around the area of human sexuality. The impasse grew so great that we could no longer mediate between the different sides and opinions at war within the body of the church. So, the Council of Bishops put together a task force of people, representing wildly diverse opinions and beliefs and practices and personalities, and called them “The Way Forward.” This group is bringing a series of suggestions and proposals to the denomination as a whole in February of 2019. Whatever the special called General Conference does with these proposals remains to be seen. Some argue that nothing will change and we’ll go on as before sharply divided on key issues and not trusting one another completely. Others argue that everything will change and it will be up to churches and districts and conferences to declare who they are and where they stand on certain issues in order to continue within the denomination. But that is the only way forward, some argue, splitting up into different denominations. Or just get used to choosing sides and looking down on those who disagree. It seems a pattern in our society, name calling of the opposition. It happens at the highest levels, this belittling of those who hold different opinions. It probably will just continue to happen in the church.
In addition, I know you pray for your church on a regular basis. Let me ask that you add in the larger church as you do. Pray for God’s will for the whole United Methodist Church in the coming months and years. If there is a way forward it is only by the grace of God. So, join me in praying for your church.
But here’s what I really wanted to ask: how shall Southport UMC find a way forward in 2019? It is time for me to get to work planning for worship and teaching next year. I’m taking the first part of the week of Thanksgiving, November 18-21, to focus on worship themes for 2019. On the welcome center there is a sheet with some thought questions. Questions such as “What
personal/family issues need to be addressed next year?” “What theological or social or Christian practice issues need to be addressed next year?” “What issues that feed our souls need to be addressed next year?” If you are interested or have ideas, grab one of those sheets, fill it out and leave it in the office or hand it to a staff member. And, even if you don’t have any specific ideas, please keep me in your prayers for those few days of planning and preparation. Pray that I’m in tune with God’s Spirit for Southport UMC and with the congregation’s needs and dreams. It’s a daunting task leading a congregation in turbulent times, a daunting task being a part of a congregation in turbulent times! But together we can find a way forward.
There are lots of ways to support your church. We’re beginning our Stewardship emphasis this month. Giving is an important way to help your church find a way forward. It is also important for your own experience of the Spirit and living out of your faith to be generous. So, please consider your financial commitment to your church. We count on you to continue to fulfill the mission God has given us, to build the kingdom, to make disciples, to change the world. That is the true way forward. Come and go with me.