January Financial Update
Sometimes I worry too much about what other people think. I realized that this year while I was shopping for Christmas lights.
One Sunday I found myself unattended as my wife had taken a daytrip to see her cousins (she took Lennox with her) and wouldn’t be back until late that night. I told her, “I’ll probably go get a few Christmas lights and put them up this afternoon.” Well, I did, as long as you are taking the word few in the context of all the Christmas lights in the state of Indiana.
Midway through my quest to Deck the Halls I ran into a predicament. I found a sign that said, “Happy Holidays”. I liked this sign, but thought, “no, people will think I am trying to be politically correct.” So, I put that one back and found a sign that said, “Merry Christmas.” Then I thought, “Wait a minute, in our current environment people could take this as a political statement.” So, I stood there worried about what people would think. I wasn’t trying to be political at all, but what would people think? So, I did the only thing my logic center would allow me to do (considering I was fueled by an overwhelming urge to make sure my house could be seen from outers pace) I bought both.
Proverbs 29: 25: It is dangerous to be concerned with what others think of you, but if you trust the Lord, you are safe.
What does this have to do with giving? I should have put both signs back and gave the money I would have spent to the church? Well, maybe, but that is not quite what I was going for. My point is do not worry about what other people think. What and how you give is no one’s business but yours’s and God’s.
So, keep on giving, without reluctance or compulsion, of your gifts of time, talent, and financial resources in celebration of God's generosity in Jesus Christ.