
Showing posts from February, 2019

A Letter From Pastor Derek-March

From the Lead Pastor ... We have talked a lot over the past few months, and more over the past few weeks about the special called session of the General Conference of the United Methodist Church meeting in St. Louis this past weekend. The session concluded today and the results of that gathering are ... muddled. Sorry, that's the best word I have to describe it. By a slim margin the delegates voted to approve the Traditional Plan, a plan that was declared in violation of the UMC Constitution in a number of areas. Some amendments were also approved, but it doesn't appear that it was enough to bring this plan into compliance. What the issues are, I am not sure. The Traditional Plan was put forward by the more conservative wing of the church and would not only keep the prohibitive language against same sex relations in the Book of Discipline, but would also greatly enhance the punishment for those who decide to go against those prohibitions. Our Bishop, Bishop Julius T...

From The Leadership Team-March

Greetings from the SUMC Leadership Team!   Last month Peggy Boyll, the 2019 Chair of the team, gave a great overview of the structure of the team and   introduced herself.   This month I’d like to share a little more about the team as well as a little about me. My faith journey has taken many twists and turns through the years.   A little over three years ago, God led my husband Phil and I to SUMC.   I remember hearing about a “leadership team” shortly after we started attending worship here but had no idea who they were and what they did.   I’ve now learned that there is an “Accountability Leadership Structure” document that defines the Leadership Team, as well as what the foci (am I the only one who didn’t know this is the plural of “focus”?) of the team is supposed to be.   The first focus is connecting with Christ, and the second focus is connecting with people.   That’s YOU – each and every one of the family of Christ and SUMC.   S...


Mark your calendars for the following dates for the annual Men’s Lenten Breakfast series.   All times are 7:30 a.m. unless noted below (Note:   the men are responsible for organizing and cooking – thus the name.   HOWEVER, everyone is welcome to attend.) March 9 District Breakfast at Christ UMC (Note time:   8:00 a.m.) Sponsored by Central District Metro Ministries March 16 Woodside hosting @ Edgewood UMC March 23 St. Andrew UMC                March 30 Christ UMC April 6 Rosedale Hills UMC April 13 Edgewood UMC

SUMC Youth Fellowship News

Have you seen the new youth communication area in The Gathering Place? Did you get to try Bible Jeopardy with the students? This is the place to ask questions, find out what is happening, sign up for events, and to introduce yourself and your students. Save the dates! Youth meeting in The Underground: Every Sunday 5:00-7:00 p.m. Winter Jam:   March 29 Retreat at Camp Indicoso:   April 26-27 Retreat/mission trip to Camp Moneto:   June 1-7 Mayor’s Veteran’s Family Appreciation Picnic:   July 20 Ways to support our youth? ·   Share some home-made treats for snack time at Youth meetings. Sign up on the calendar in The Gathering Place to choose your dates. ·   Consider being a driver/chaperone for these wonderful trips. Watch for sign up sheets near the calendar in The Gathering Place. ·   Pray for and encourage your youth and their leaders. Current Events are also on the website youth page. Jerry Kidwell – 31...


Less than three months until our workcamp/retreat!! Located in beautiful Brown County, Camp Moneto is our largest church campgrounds in Indiana! Again, we are going to lend our hands to help get this camp into great shape! Saturday, June 1st through Friday, June 7th, we will be lending our hearts, minds, hands, and time to help build, fix, clean, paint, and make welcome this camp to hundreds of youth, families, church groups, and individuals, to grow closer to Christ and each other! It will be an exciting time to see how we can be home missionaries and see how God can use us! It will be a time to grow in our faith through actions, study and prayer. What do you need to qualify for this experience? A willing heart and desire to serve Christ! Do you need to have any special skills or experience? No, just a willingness to learn from our volunteers and campground staff who will show you, in a safe way, what and how to do it! If you have special skills or experience, yes, we need y...

Southport UMC Community Garden

For a number of years now the Southport Community Garden has operated on some vacant land near the back parking lot on Van Dyke Street just south of the church. Beginning this Spring, crops will again be popping up in the garden. We are excited to announce that following several years of having maximum participation, some rows will now be available to new people wanting to grow vegetables and/or flowers.  Rows will be made available on a first-come-first-serve basis.  Anyone wanting to inquire about the possibility of claiming some planting space should contact the church office.


Again SUMC will collect food donations for Servant's Heart in Beech Grove. Kids are home at the end of March for Spring Break and foods are needed to feed all of the family. So let's provide the following: canned pasta meals, meats, and soups, and boxed macaroni and cheese snacks for kids - fruit roll ups, small fruit packs, individual cracker packs, individual cookie packs, and small cereal packs SUMC will be collecting food from February 28 thru March 3rd. Our donations in February resulted in 190 pounds of food for Perry Township and Beech Grove families.   THANK YOU!


The month of March starts out in grand style. The Rebekah Circle will be hosting the new Director of Fletcher Place, Melissa Drew at their monthly meeting on the second Tuesday.  That will be on March 12th in the Gathering Area at SUMC starting at 1:00 p.m.   Come join the group for fun, information, and food. The Leah Circle starts their new 2019 Year on Monday, March 18th at China Garden Restaurant by the church at 6:00 p.m.   We will discuss the UMW missions and purpose of UMW and have a pledge service (come find out what that means).  All are welcome to come and join the group.  Please RSVP to the church so we can have a table ready.      Other events to remember for future dates:  ***** April 27th the Hearts In Service (HIS) group of ladies will be at SUMC to share their program called "SERVE with a heart like JESUS"   There will be talks, skits, music, and fun.  A lite lunch will be ...


The Creation Care Team would like to let you know what SUMC has done to be labeled as a green church.      1.  We have started a recycling project.  We are so excited to know that the Imagination Station students are caring for the earth by bringing their recycled paper down to the Gathering Area Collection tubs.  We thank all who are participating in using the china cups rather than the non-recyclable paper cups.  We hope all will give this a try and make it a habit. Thanks to the groups using the church for recycling items as you can.  Like:  the Funeral Dinner Leaders for taking their recyclables out to the recycle bin in the back parking lot.  Also thanks to Rosie Bishop for taking the recyclables from the God Will Breakfast at Fletcher Place out to the recycle bin.      2.   SUMC has replaced all the overhead lights with LED bulbs in order to cut down our carbon footprint of energy usa...

Kairos Prison Ministry

First of all, thanks to all who have contributed in some way to Kairos Prison Ministry.  Whether you prayed, baked cookies, donated funds, made posters or placemats, came to a closing or served inside the prison or outside in a kitchen, your efforts are greatly appreciated by men and women who are incarcerated.  This spring and this fall, a number of people from SUMC are preparing to volunteer for a Kairos team.  They will serve at Indiana Women’s Prison, Plainfield Correctional Facility, or Rockville Correctional facility. For those who have never thought they could go inside a prison, there is a way to do that for a short period of time on a Sunday afternoon.  Each weekend will have a closing ceremony where a person can catch a glimpse of what the ministry means to those who are incarcerated.  Because those of us on teams want to share that joy with anyone who is willing, we are glad personally to take you to a closing at which we are not on th...


35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’ 37 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ 40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’   Matthew 25:35-40 “I was hungry and thirsty….”   God’s Will Breakfast serving families and individuals in the Fountain Square and downtown area Ronald McDonald House and RMH in Riley Hospital serving families of seriously ill children Interfaith Hospitality Networ...

Mark Your Calendar - March

MARK YOUR CALENDAR for March March 3 – Fellowship Meal March 3 – Support Community Food Pantries March 6 – Ash Wednesday Worship, 7:00 p.m. March 9 – Ronald McDonald House Team Serving Dinner at the Limestone address on IUPUI Campus March 7 and 10 – From the Shelves of the Staff March 10 – Daylight Savings Time March 10 and 24 – Madison Avenue Health Care Worship, 1:30 p.m. March 17 – Ronald McDonald House Team Serving Dinner at Riley Hospital March 21 – God’s Will Breakfast Team Serving at Fletcher Place Community Center FAITH PROMISE SUPPORTED MINISTRIES Thanks to your faithful contributions the following ministries continue Blood Drive Sundays April 14, August 11, November 17 Interfaith Hospitality Network Serving Homeless Families (IHN) September 29 – October 13 Clothing Drive in August Jubilee Ministry Christmas in July and December Creation Care Team Focus on appropriate recycling and being good stewards of God’s creation Ronald M...

March Financial Update

I’m going to do something that is a bit taboo.   I am going to reveal one of Southport United Methodist Church’s greatest contributors.   Last year their contributions alone made up 40% of SUMC’s total income.   In addition to their significant financial impact they are also instrumental in the children’s ministry of SUMC.   They provide numerous children with a path to grow in Christ.   Who’s behind the mask?   Imagination Station , our childcare ministry! Just in case you are not familiar with Imagination Station, our childcare ministry, it is our daycare and preschool program.   During the week both the east wing and west wing are filled with children learning, playing, having fun, and growing in their faith.   You might see a train of toddlers clomping around the Gathering Place with Ms. April chugging along as the engine.   Or, you might see Mr. Doug singing and dancing with the preschoolers to “Don’t be a turkey, just say THANKS!”...

A Letter from Pastor Derek - February

Following and Leading It’s February.   Nothing quite special about that usually.   After the run of celebrations from Thanksgiving, Christmas and then New Years, February is kinda blah.   Kind of just there.   Cold and gray and just there.   Oh sure, there’s a Super Bowl now.   And they try to make President’s Day a thing (and who decided we celebrate great presidents by buying a new mattress?).   But really, it’s just there.   Yeah, I was born in February, and so I had a chip on my shoulder about February’s reputation.   But what is there to get excited about in February? Well, everything!   Life, faith, church, community, discipleship, you name it.   We live in excitement.   Really.   Or we could.   Better than living in fear, or despair, or anger.   There’s a lot of that these days.   Maybe you’ve noticed.   Or maybe you’ve sworn off social media because it’s become too toxic.   I’ve bee...

Greetings from the Leadership Team!

SUMC organizational structure is different from most United Methodist churches.   First the church is incorporated as a religious corporation that is organized and operated exclusively to conduct, support, encourage, and assist such religious, charitable, educational and other programs and projects as described in the Internal Revenue Code.   Second, we only have one governing structure, which is called the Leadership Team.   The members of this Team include the Senior Pastor and eight other members, a Chair, Vice-Chair and a Secretary.   The Pastor keeps the vision and directs the Staff while the Leadership Team defines high level strategy and governs to meet the vision. For 2019, I have been elected to serve as Chair of the Leadership Team, which also includes filling the required position of Chair of the Staff Parish Relationship Committee (the Team serves as the committee).   For those of you who don’t know me, my husband Ron and I have been attending SU...


Mark your calendars for the following dates for the annual Men’s Lenten Breakfast series.   All times are 7:30 am unless noted below (Note:   The men are responsible for organizing and cooking – thus the name.   HOWEVER, everyone is welcome to attend.) March 9 District Breakfast at Christ UMC (Note time:   8:00 am) Sponsored by Central District Metro Ministries March 16 Woodside hosting @ Edgewood UMC March 23 St. Andrew UMC                March 30 Christ UMC April 6 Rosedale Hills UMC April 13 Edgewood UMC

SUMC Youth Fellowship News

Save the dates!            Youth meeting in The Underground: Every Sunday 5:00-7:00pm            Snow tubing:   February 23            Winter Jam:   March 29            Retreat at Camp Indicoso:   April 26-27 Work mission to Camp Moneto:   June 1-7 Support our youth! Share some home made treats for snack time at Youth meetings. Watch for a calendar in The Gathering Place to choose your dates. Support our youth! Consider being a driver/chaperone for these wonderful trips. Watch for sign up sheets near the calendar in The Gathering Place. Support our youth! Become a volunteer youth leader. See Pastor Doug Shinkle for information. Support our youth! Encourage them to attend and enjoy! Support our youth! Pray for and encourage your youth leaders, J...


We are planning on another trip to Camp Moneto this year for some mission work as well as a retreat to help us all continue in our discipleship (by serving and growing together). We encourage families to go together, although that is not a requirement.   Also, since Camp Moneto is close (only about an hour away), it is possible to go for the entire week, just a few days, or to make day trips and serve during the days when you are able. Save the date on your calendar now:   Saturday June 1st through Friday June 7th. Watch for more details to come.   Questions and interest can be directed to Fred Bishop.

Servant's Heart of Indy

Servant's Heart of Indy is a local food pantry and thrift store serving the people, primarily in the Beech Grove and Perry Township region. There is an opportunity for service with this organization. Although they are normally open to serve clients Thursday evenings and Saturdays fro 9 am to 2 pm, there is a team of workers headed up by SUMC members that work the second Saturday of every month. Team members are not obligated to work every month or even the entire work shift. The more members we have in the team the less demand it puts on each member.  Team members only work when they are available.  Since some team members have moved from the area, we are looking to add team members. Interested people can take a tour of the pantry and meet with team leaders if they are interested in volunteering or just seeking further information. There is no obligation to commit to work, but anyone seeking to serve in the name of Christ is encouraged to contact the church office for...


The UMW would like to remember Barbara Emmack with sympathy as she mourns the loss of her husband. We would also want to correct the information about the Hearts In Service program scheduled for March 16th.  This will have to be rescheduled for another date due to the HIS group's involvement in the Emmaus Walk at that same time.  We will have a new date as soon as one is cleared for the future.  Watch for this to be announced. We want all to know that UMW again will offer nut sales in 2019.  We plan on starting the ordering process in September.  So watch for more information to come out and tell everyone you know this is coming.  The nuts were so yummy ask anyone who ordered.   We were able to donate around $600 to the Lucille Raines Residency for their MONEY for MORTAR project to help save the building in downtown Indianapolis.   Thanks to all who bought from us and look forward to ordering in the fall.    UMW Circle...


The February food collection will be from Thursday January 31st until Sunday, February 3rd.    We will be donating these items to the Servant's Heart Pantry in Beech Grove.  This Pantry services Beech Grove and Perry Township.  The Hunger Inc. pantry is still well supplied due to all the schools' food drives.   The items needed by Servant's Heart are many.  So any item will be welcome.   Bring any items like:  food items, personal items, laundry soaps, diapers and toilet paper.    We donated over 200 lbs. last month to them and hope to do even better the month of February.   Thanks to all who support this ministry. Also note the event coming up in February that helps to support Hunger Inc. Food Pantry: Perry Township Kiwanis Annual Chili Cook-Off .  This year's event is on  Friday night 01 February from 4:30 to 7:30 pm  at Center United Methodist Church ( 5445 Bluff R...

Creation Care Information

The Creation Care team would like to thank all of SUMC as a part of the team by continuing to recycle at SUMC.  We are always wanting our church to love God's creation and respect it by being Earth conscious.   The Indy Green Congregations newsletter for January can be found at:    Check out all the opportunities available on this site.  EX:   They are offering workshops on how to work your soil up for the Spring (which I hope comes soon) and other opportunities.  Their next meeting is February on the third Thursday.  


“It’s less about the task and more about the way that serving draws us closer to Christ.” INTERFAITH HOSPITALITY NETWORK SERVING HOMELESS FAMILIES (IHN) IHN families arrive Sunday evening, February 3 and will be our guests through Sunday morning, February 17. During their stay we have many wonderful opportunities to offer them Jesus’ grace and love when we: Pick up the families from the downtown Day Center using the IHN van and bring them to church Prepare their dinner meal and fellowship together while we eat Host after dinner while they relax and rest from their busy day Host overnight while our guests sleep in their bedrooms and hosts sleep in a nearby bedroom Wake the families, offer breakfast and help with lunches so they are ready to return to the Day Center Use the IHN van and take families to the Day Center so the children can attend school and the parents can go to work, attend classes, look for new housing Ministering to our guests involves many willin...


January 31 and February 3 – Food Pantry Collection February 3 - Community Meal February 3 – Scouting Ministry Sunday February 3 to 17 – Interfaith Hospitality Network (IHN) Families are Our Guests February 21 – God’s Will Breakfast Serving at Fletcher Place Community Center February 17 – RMH Team Serving at Riley Hospital February 17 – Blood Drive, 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., Gathering Place FAITH PROMISE SUPPORTED MINISTRIES Thanks to your faithful contributions the following ministries continue Blood Drive Sundays February 17, April 14, August 11, November 17 Interfaith Hospitality Network Serving Homeless Families (IHN) February 3 – 17 and September 29 – October 13 Jubilee Ministry Christmas in July and December Ronald McDonald House Ministries Serving Saturday meals once a month at the Ronald McDonald House on the IUPUI campus (March 9, April 20, May 11, June 8, July 27, August 10, September 21, October 12, November 9, December 14) Serving meals ...