April Financial Update

Man, Pastor Derek is such a Hairy vetch!  No, this is not profanity; don’t get out your urban dictionary.  I am not slinging some new insult at Pastor Derek for deciding to follow his calling and accepting the positon as the Director of Preaching Ministries.  I am excited for what that means for him and the United Methodist Church.  Referring to Pastor Derek as a Hairy vetch is a reflection on how I view his impact at SUMC.
Hairy vetch is a plant.  A plant of the Fabaceae family, more commonly known as a legume (I could have went with Pastor Derek is a pea, but Hairy vetch was more fun).  Plants in this family do something really neat.  They actually fix nitrogen into the soil.  That means they take nitrogen out of the air and put it back into the soil.  That’s neat because nitrogen is a vital nutrient that is necessary for all plants to grow, thrive, and ultimately bear fruit.  Most plants deplete the soil of nitrogen instead of putting more into it.  Harry vetch makes the soil it is growing in better, more fertile, so that whatever grows there next can thrive more easily and abundantly.
Pastor Derek has enriched us in his time here.  He has fixed the words and ways of Jesus in us in a manner that will continue to help us grow, as a church and as individuals.  I am confident that the work he has done to fortify us in Christ will continue to feed many long after he has left, and help us to build on what’s next!
What does this have to do with finance?  Well, your financial gifts are like Hairy vetch too.  Your financial contributions not only keep the operations and ministry of the church going now, but help us to cultivate an environment that can grow and prosper for years to come.
Thank you for GIVING of your gifts of time, talent, and financial resources in celebration of God's generosity in Jesus Christ.

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