Happy Holidays!
No, no, that’s not a capitulation to a supposedly politically correct version of the war on Christmas. First of all, I don’t believe in such a thing. It is a conspiracy theory invented by certain news outlets designed to make people angry even during the season of Christmas. So, please join me in ignoring the false media claim that there is such a thing as a war on Christmas. And frankly, even if there was, Christmas would win. No, I chose that title so that I could remind us all that this is an intense season of the year. It’s not just one holiday that we celebrate, but many. I’m writing this on the brink of Halloween, which is another event we sometimes get too excited about, I think. It is simply the night before All Saints Day, which is an important celebration in the life of the Church. It was also one of the founder of Methodism, John Wesley’s favorite celebrations...