
Showing posts from January, 2018

A Letter from Pastor Derek - February

A February Face That’s Shakespeare, by the way.  The quote in the title.  It’s from Much Ado about Nothing, which also sounds like a description of February.  Everyone grumbles about February.  It’s cold and dreary and we’re all tired of winter, but it’s not close enough to even think about spring.  The whole quote, by the way, is “you have such a February face, so full of frost, of storm and cloudiness.”  Well, if that won’t perk up your day, or your month, I don’t know what will! Actually, I like February.  It has my birthday in it.  And my mom’s.  And two of my favorite presidents.  So, it can’t be all that bad.  Plus, it is a good time to reflect and to plan and to think about what might be next.  At least that’s what I’m doing. Or am planning.  Each year, in the fall or in the winter, I take a planning retreat.  The outcome of this retreat is a plan for worship for the rest of the year.  The process i...


With the start of February, Ash Wednesday and Lent are just around the corner.  That means that the Men’s Lenten Breakfast series for the Central District is also upon us.  The Lenten breakfasts are planned and hosted by men but EVERYONE is invited. Each breakfast starts at 7:30 am on the Saturdays of Lent.  Here are the dates and locations for the 2018 Lenten breakfasts. February 17th – District breakfast at University of Indianapolis (note start time is 8:00 am for this breakfast only) February 24th – St. Andrew UMC March 3rd – Christ UMC March 10th – Edgewood UMC March 17th – Woodside/Calvary hosting at Christ UMC March 24th – Rosedale Hills UMC


Our students (6th grade through high school) continue learning the basics of our Christian faith as United Methodists on Sunday mornings.  However, 1 hour on Sunday morning is not enough to establish a firm foundation to sustain them throughout their lives.  Parents are provided information each week to help the students grow in their discipleship as a family during the week as well. In late spring, we will have an official Confirmation class for those students who want to declare their faith publicly.  (This process also makes the student an official “member” of Southport UMC.)  Be talking to your students who have not officially been confirmed about this process.  They will be contacted in a couple of months with more details. Saturday February 10, Winter Jam (Christian concert) will be at Banker’s Life Fieldhouse.  Youth and their families (any age) are invited.  Cost is $15 at the door.  Should a youth want to attend but not have a ri...

The United Methodist Women's purpose begins

“We are a community of women whose purpose is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ....." As a community we welcome all women to our small groups which we call circles.  Our goal is to promote the community of United Methodist Women at Southport.  You are invited to attend any of the circles’ activities this month and join in the community of women. The circle meetings for February are: Rebekah Circle - Tuesday, February 13, 1:00 p.m. at church in the gathering place. We collect cereal for Fletcher Place Community Food Pantry each month. Anna Circle - Monday, February 19, 1:00 p.m. at Rosegate on Emerson Avenue, meeting in the lunch room. Leah Circle - Saturday, February 10 travel to Ronald McDonald House. We will prepare and serve a meal to the residents, and additional casseroles for those who need meals at a later time.  We will meet at church at 3:00 p.m. to load supplies and then travel to the RMHouse downtown....


   Here is a Valentine Prayer for February by Gertrude Rudberg:            O Lord, I ask before I start,            As Valentines comes round,            That I may find within my heart            Its meaning deep, and profound            I ask Thee, Lord that I may find Some place where there is need, Where I can be a little kind And plant a friendly seed. I ask Thee, Lord that I might give A little bit of love To those I've felt I can't forgive As Thou dost from above.   I ask Thee, Lord to be my guide, Grant patience, courage too That I may e'er with Thee abide In all I try to do. Your donations are addressing the need and planting the seeds that God asks of all of us. ...


We focus on specific parts of Matthew 25: 35-46 with these verses: “….I was hungry and you gave me food,” – Food Drive Ministry, God’s Will Breakfast, Ronald McDonald House Ministries, Jubilee Christmas “I was naked and you gave me clothing,” – Interfaith Hospitality Network (IHN) Clothing Collections, Jubilee Christmas “I was in prison and you visited me.” – Kairos Prison Ministry “I was sick and you took care of me,” – Blood Drives, Ronald McDonald House Ministries “I was a stranger and you welcomed me.” – ALL Ministries,  Jesus said the greatest commandment is to love God and love neighbor. To obey His commandment we can’t separate the two. “I WAS A STRANGER AND YOU WELCOMED ME…” HOSPITALITY HOSPITALITY is defined in the dictionary as: the friendly and generous reception and entertainment of guests, visitor or strangers. However Christian hospitality must become an active desire in each of us to invite, welcome, receive and care for those who may b...

Creation Care Team

Please join the Creation Care Team on February 18, 2018 at 11:10 a.m. in the Gathering Place. We will review our initial goal to improve recycling and evaluate our progress. How do you think our new changes are working? One major concern we have is contaminating the entire load of recycling with soiled paper goods, napkins and the like. We hope to take gradual steps in educating ourselves, in growing and greening. Some folks have thought that greening means working with the landscape, and that might one day be our focus.  As of now we are working on recycling, seeking to use and conserve God’s abundant gifts as stewards for coming generations. Psalm 24:1 “The Earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell there in.”


BLOOD DRIVE – Sunday, February 25 It seems that there is a continuing shortage of blood supply for those who are critically ill.  Sometimes the need seems overwhelming. This is one reason we encourage you to invite family members, neighbors and co-workers to donate Sunday, February 25 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the Gathering Place. We welcome as many donors as possible so that more people can receive what we fondly call but truly is “the Gift of Life.” LOOKING AHEAD in February February 1 and 4 – Support Hunger Inc. February 4 – Scout Sunday February 25 – Blood Drive, 9am to 1pm LOOKING AHEAD in 2018 Blood Drive Sundays February 25, April 22, August 5, November 18 Interfaith Hospitality Network Families (IHN) April 8 to April 22 September 23 to October 7 Jubilee Ministry Christmas in July – July 5 through July 22 Jubilee Christmas – December 8 Ronald McDonald House Second Saturday of the month at the Ronald McDonald House Third ...

December Financials

There was a lot of talk about lights at SUMC this advent season.  Pastor Derek tested his Christmas lights in service to show us the importance of making sure that anyone who wonders near will know that they are welcome here.  He showed us some Christmas lights he found around town.  A yard that was completely satiated with lights and decorations was contrasted with a simply lit nativity to show us that the light can be shared and received in different ways.  Now let us take a look at some lights that were lit in part because of your generosity. Christmas Jubilee is one of these lights, or many lights coming together for one great event.  20 families received toys, clothes, food, coats, hats & gloves, and more.  What’s the more?  The more was an experience of being welcomed as guests and treated as family by all of you. We literally made the church brighter!  Our exterior lighting was upgraded by Doug Lewis, Kyle Jones, and Eric Lewis...