
Showing posts from August, 2013

A Letter from Pastor Mark August 2013

Dear Friends, I just can’t get use to the idea of  saying that “back to school” is happening the first of August.  However, whether I am used to it or not, it is happening.  Teachers and students are returning to the classroom even as you are reading this. Schools play a critical role within the culture.  The schools not only educate the children but also for many young people the school is the only place of stability in their lives. Some children have no positive adult role models other than those they encounter during the school day. Unfortunately, administrators and teachers do not have an easy job.  They are constantly being asked to do more and more with minimal resources.  Many times schools are faced with less than ideal home situations which then cause the students to act out negatively in many ways. I share this because we need to be supportive of the educational systems in our communities.  We need to pray for administrators, teachers, and students.  We need

Community Involvement-Homecroft Elementary

Last summer, we started a partnership with Homecroft Elementary to be involved with them in areas that we would give us an opportunity show the love of Christ to their families.            (We are called to serve in our community and the world for Christ.) We were able to provide financial assistance so that their principal could assist families in time of need at his discretion.  They used that capability to supply some food, clothes, turn on electricity, repair a car, and to provide other financial assistance where needed. We were involved in an After School Achievers Club where we were able to build relationships with some children as well as help them with some homework. We also had a couple of individuals from the church working at Homecroft a couple of hours a week as a H.O.P.E. mentor. HOW CAN YOU BE INVOLVED? Homecroft Elementary plans to start it’s After School Achievers Club again and hopes that we will participate as mentors again. Also, if you are a

A thank you from Bishop Michael J. Coyner

A thank you from Bishop Michael J. Coyner, I am writing to thank you for your faithful payment of your 2012 tithes and district askings.  According to our records, you are one of 737 churches which tithed at or above the 90% level!  Thank you! May God continue to bless you with generous hearts and with abundant resources to share.

Music News

Music is just one of the ways, a very important way, that we use in a worship service to praise and worship God.  Music can (and should) help establish the atmosphere that enhances the worshipper’s ability to experience the presence of God. We have several announcements that I want to share with you regarding a few of our music ministries. First, we want to thank Linda Coad for her many years of service on our music team with Godspeak (our Thursday worship service praise band) and with periodically participating in our Sunday traditional service as organist/accompanist (most recently, replacing Rob Pfiester who served many years in this role).  We truly appreciate Linda’s participation and leadership in these areas.  Please thank Linda for her years of service when you see her. We have hired a new Music Ministry Leader.  Dwight Huntley will be the organist and accompanist for our traditional worship service and will also be the keyboard player and leader of Godspeak.  Plea

Fall Work Day

The Fall Work Day  For Southport United Methodist Church is Saturday, October 5, at 8:30 a.m. We need talented volunteers from plumbers, painters and electricians, to people who are willing to trim shrubs, wash windows, and serve lunch.  Any skill level is welcome.  You can stay until the work is complete, or as long as your time allows. Please contact the church office 317-784-9508 for more information.  Child Care can be provided by calling in advance.

Community Fall Festival

The SUMC Community Fall Festival (CFF) is next month! Save the date for Saturday,       September 28 2-6 p.m. This is SUMC’s annual opportunity to share our gifts, talents, and time with our community. We expect more than  800 people to attend this year to enjoy free food, entertainment, petting zoo, pony rides, games, activities, and bounce houses! This event can’t be accomplished without the many servants that make it a success every year – how can you help this year? There are plenty of opportunities to help make the event a success: donate items, bake deserts, help set-up or tear-down, grill the hot dogs and burgers at CFF, fill one of many other day-of needs, and pray for the event that we may make contacts to those in our community that need to know of Christ’s love. Sign-ups will be out shortly for donations and servants. If you haven’t bought school supplies for prizes – it’s not too late! Bring the “prize” school supplies to church by September 5.

Reminder of Food Collection Each Month

Another successful month of your donations for our local food pantry, Hunger, INC.  We collected many jars of peanut butter.  Thank you so much for helping to feed the hungry in Perry Township. August in our next opportunity, the food item we will be collecting is AMAZING CEREAL on August 1 and 4, the dates of communion for the month. September we will be collecting Succulent Soup. The purple tub will be in the Gathering Place Thursday, August 1, and Sunday, August 4. Thanks again for helping take care for the hungry as God wants us to do.  God Bless You All.

God’s Will Breakfast

This month Southport UMC celebrates 10 years of ministry with God’s Will Breakfast. We serve a hot breakfast to homeless and less fortunate people at Fletcher Place Community    Center every third Thursday.  Located at 1637 Prospect, this monthly mission is 6.6 miles and 15 minutes away from SUMC.  This takes roughly three hours of  a servant’s time each month. We are one of eleven churches and two businesses taking a turn to feed those who are hungry, providing hot breakfasts on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays and hot evening meals on    Mondays and Wednesdays. Since August of 2003, we have served 120 breakfasts almost always feeding more that 100 and once even feeding 200 people.  Calculating conservatively, that means we have served approximately 12,000 to 16,000 meals. Serving in the manner is possible by your generous monetary donations to Faith Promise which funds the breakfast.  And there’s another contribution without which the mission couldn’t operate...that is the g

New Song Mission

New Song Mission is excited to share that the Lord has brought Jason and Megan Miller to serve as the very first set of missionary houseparents!  They moved into Home A on May 18.  Jason and Megan grew up in Greenwood, Indiana, attend Emmanuel Church of Greenwood, and have been married for seven years.  They attended Moody Bible Institute together and have three precious children:  Aubri who is five years old, Hannah who is three, and Everton who is 15 months. Jason shared that God has used several experiences in his and Megan’s lives to deepen their love for children who are suffering.  “Whether it was working with orphans in Russia or inner city kids in Chicago and Indianapolis, my wife and I have felt very blessed to have been involved in helping and loving children.”  Jason and Megan will undergo 30 hours of training to help prepare them for their houseparenting responsibilities.  A portion of that training will involve teaching them the “Love and Logic” parenting curriculum,

Children’s Church

Children are heading back to school, and Children’s Church will be gearing up for a New Year starting in September.  Please prayerfully consider helping with Children’s Church.  Teachers and assistants are needed for 9:45 and 11:15 services.  Teaching experience is not necessary, just a desire to teach children about the love of Jesus.  Schedules are flexible.  If you are interested in volunteering or have questions, please contact Allyson Ball, Director of Children’s Ministry, at or call 317-780-4624.

Imagination Station

Do you love children? Imagination Station has a few part-time openings.  Must have a passion for working with children. If interested please call Allyson Ball, Director of Children’s Ministry, at 317-780-4624.